Helping you get Back to Living

I'm currently completing my PhD (low back pain) at Curtin University but I do consult out of Body Logic Physiotherapy in Shenton Park, Perth, Western Australia.


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Thanks for the great feedback Ryan.

I strive to make research informative, up-to-date in a simple, digestible way that helps patients! 

Back Pain Research Presentation

This was a presentation I did of my research for the Curtin 3-minute thesis finals in late August 2018 regarding the relationship between movement, pain and fear. 


Visit my facebook page for more info.

My PhD thesis (so far) in 60 seconds!

This was a video I put together for the Visualise your thesis competition run by the University of Melbourne. It also picked up the people's choice award at the Curtin University finals. 

Visit my facebook page for more info